Thriller Guy has been working for a long time, well, working is not the
right word, on a book about how to write a novel. Will he ever
get around to settling down and actually putting it all together? Probably not.
But bits and pieces of it crop up here in this blog on occasion. In fact quite
often. In the course of this noodling, he has been collecting quotes about
writing from various writers. From now on, TG will start, or end, these entries
with a few of these quotes. He’s not going to comment on them (usually) or
expand them, just toss them out there. Good! you say, finally something that he
doesn’t have to express an opinion on! I feel your pain. It’s not easy being Thriller Guy.
John Updike worked mornings, preferring to "put the
creative project first," as he put it. Of his discipline, he said,
"I've never believed that one should wait until one is inspired because I
think that the pleasures of not writing are so great that if you ever start
indulging them you will never write again."
Thriller Guy has recently been spending time looking over
Allen Appel’s shoulder as he labors away on his latest manuscript. Watching
paint dry, grass grow, etc. comes to mind when thinking about how dull this is.
The image of a solo writer bent over a computer keyboard has never been particularly
compelling, as the failure of many computer-themed thriller movies have shown.
TG has been observing this professional novelist-at-work, looking for writing
tips ‘n tricks to pass along to his readers. Appel is presently working on a
short novel set in the early days of the automobile industry, though it has
less to do with building cars than it does with sex and murder. Because
watching is so incredibly boring, TG has decided to simply interview Appel in
an attempt to cut straight to anything useful he has to offer TG’s readers.
TG: Why should my
readers, or anyone else for that matter, look to you for advice on how to
write? What’s so special about you?
AA: Thanks, TG, for your usual blunt,
antagonistic attitude. Don’t you ever lighten up?
TG: No.
AA: I guess it’s
because I’ve written and published seven novels, and seven or eight non-fiction
books, plus several more novels published as Kindles and too many to count
unpublished novels written while learning how to write. I would say it comes down to
one word: experience. Or maybe three words: experience, hard won.
TG: OK, so you’ve
written a lot of books. Have they made you either/and/or rich and famous?
AA: No.
TG: So why do you
do it?
AA: Because
there’s always a chance that they might make
me, if not rich and famous, at least afford me a reasonable standard of living.
Besides, I’m good at it. The reason some writers do very well and other writers
do not do so well has far more to do with luck than it does to the quality of
the work. This has been proven so many times over the course off history that
it is indisputable. Sort of like global warming.
TG: OK, I’m not
going to get into a climate change argument. You’re working on a novel. Tell us
about it.
AA: I didn’t
start out to write this book. I was working on a book that was to be part of my
Pastmaster series, time travel books
featuring history professor Alex Balfour and his wife Molly. And now the cast
includes their son Max, fourteen years old, who has inherited the family
time-traveling ability. While doing the research for this book, I came across
an interesting fact: beginning around 1910 the Ford Motor Company employed as
many as three hundred detectives to help oversee the hiring, firing and lives
of their more than 15,000 workers. Henry Ford was obsessed with building not
only Model Ts, but building the sort of work force that could produce them
reliably and in enormous quantities. These detectives oversaw almost every
facet of the worker's lives, from making sure their homes were clean and
efficiently run and the men went to work every day to investigating any
criminal matters involved with the Ford plant. After I read this, the thought
wormed its way into my head that this was an original milieu, this Ford
detective agency, that had not been exploited by any other mystery writer, at
least none that I knew of.
TG: Why is that so important? An original
AA: Because there
are so many mysteries written that it’s important to begin with an original
premise so an author can establish himself as different from the scores,
hundreds, of other writers cranking out thousands of new mystery novels every
year. Originality is the holy grail of the mystery writer: an original villain,
hero, setting, structure, profession, whatever, can be the difference between
getting published by either a legacy publisher or self publishing and
succeeding rather than slipping soundlessly into the sea of unpublished
manuscripts all floating around seeking a home. Agents and publishers aren’t
looking for more of the same from unpublished writers, they’re looking for
something strikingly original. Self publishing authors need something to
separate them from their thousands of writer brothers and sisters, all fighting
for a portion of the internet pie.
TG: But you’re
not an unpublished writer. You have had many books published by legacy
publishers. Doesn’t that give you an advantage?
AA: That’s true, the
part about me having had many books published. But the same applies to me as
for many other writers and even first timers because I am not a hugely
successful published writer. The days of the midlist author chugging along year
after year with a mildly successful series are gone. (That is not strictly
true. The vast changes in the publishing industry have now brought back that
midlist possibility. Independent publishers and self-publishers have show that
it can be a profitable publishing model. But more on that in another
interview.) At any rate, I had the idea about the Ford detectives and it seized
me. I immediately began plotting, even though I tried to stop doing so.
TG: Why would you
want to stop?
AA: Because I
wasn’t supposed to be writing this book! I was supposed to be writing the sixth
volume of the Pastmaster series. This
wasn’t part of the plan. And to make things worse, I had put the sixth book up
as a Kickstarter project and it had been successfully funded so I owed it to my
contributors to write their book. That’s how they refer to it, as their book. And that’s how I think of it
as well. Many of these folks are fans of the series and have stuck with it for
years. I owe it to them.
TG: So where are
you with this book? What’s the title?
AA: The Ford Murders: Delia. I’m in the
final stages. In fact, I just finished the final draft.
TG: What constitutes
a final draft? How many other drafts have there been?
AA: The first
draft was finished last October. I rewrote it, because first drafts always suck, two or three more times. It then went to four writer pals who read it, passed
it around, made corrections and gave me notes. These guys are all excellent
writers, but they aren’t much use in the trenches of line-by-line edits. Their skills as real nitty-gritty, copy editors is limited but that's fine, that's not what I wanted from them. What I wanted was
specific answers to questions I had about the general tenor of the manuscript.
One question was if there was too much sex in it. There’s a lot of sex in it. There were other
questions as well. When I had all their notes and the marked up manuscript, I went back
and rewrote the book again, fixing all the errors they pointed out. Then I
rewrote it again to make it better, incorporating their suggestions about style, structure and plot points. Then I gave it to one of my loyal fans, an
experienced journalist and excellent writer herself, to read and correct. She
did so. I rewrote again incorporating her corrections and suggestions. I then
handed it over to my wife, who is the ultimate copy editor and a keen reader,
particularly of mysteries. After she finished it, I rewrote it incorporating
her corrections and suggestions. Note that by now, it had gone through eight complete rewrites and been read by six professional writers and a few other beta readers whose opinions I value.
TG: That’s a lot
of rewrites. Why didn’t you just write it better the first time?
AA: Hah! Because
it’s impossible to write it “better”
the first time. I’m always amazed, and annoyed, to read and also to hear from
writers who tell me that they don’t rewrite, they do it right the first time. They
are deluded. I’ve never known any writer whose book couldn’t use another run
through, including my own. You never catch everything. You’d think if you had
six or seven professional writers comb through a manuscript looking for errors
that you could eliminate every one of them, but no, that is not the case. There
are always mistakes. And I’m not just
talking about misspelling and typos. I have found that those writers who
profess to getting it right the first time have the weakest, least original
books. (And most error-ridden.) Rewriting forces an author to think about changes,
and when you think about changes you come up with changes. You may toss out
many of these ideas that float to the top of your brain pan in the middle of
the night, but there are always some that you should incorporate. And every
time you rewrite a manuscript, you are opening up your mind to new changes.
Thus making stronger, more original stories and books.
TG: It makes me
tired hearing you talk about it.
AA: It makes you
tired doing it. You, TG, have often made the point that writing a novel is the
most difficult -- at least physically and mentally -- of all the arts. It’s
generally agreed that it takes around a solid year to finish a novel, and by
finish I mean have it as good as you can possibly make it without going insane.
Because by the time you write The End at the finish of the Nth draft and print it
out for the last time you are hovering, if you’ve been working hard enough, on the edge of
madness. You are physically spent, you are heartily sick of your characters and
you often feel you’ll never write again. Or at least not for a while. (Mark
Twain used to write about this spiritual and physical exhaustion when finishing a novel. Fortunately, he said, “The well always fills
back up,” and a writer goes back to it, sooner usually, than later.
TG: So the book
is done?
AA: The book is
never done. I’ve printed it out, I hope, for the last time. I’ll read through
it one more time and fix any flubs I find and try not to come up with any new
bright ideas.
TG: What happens
to it now?
AA: It goes off
to my agent. He’ll decide if he wants to handle it. He’s already read it once,
an early draft, and thought it might have a chance on the market if I expanded
it and smoothed it out. If he doesn’t like it, I might put it up with my other
Kindle books and sell it through Amazon. It’s time to move on to the Pastmaster book, back
to what I was supposed to be working on in the first place.
TG: I have other
AA: Save them.
We’ll get to them next time.
Writer quote:
Le CarrĂ©: Well, I still don’t type. I write by hand, and my wife
types everything up, endlessly, repeatedly. I correct by hand too. I am an
absolute monk about my work. It’s like being an athlete: you have to find out
which are the best hours of the day. I’m a morning person. I like to drink in
the evening, go to sleep on a good idea and wake up with the idea solved or
advanced. I believe in sleep…I always try to go to sleep before I finish
working, just a little bit before. Then I know where I’ll go the next morning,
but I won’t quite know what I am going to do when I go. And then in the morning
it seems to deliver the answer…